Sunday, October 10, 2010

Comment:-Robyn Rhyne

“The Art of Possibilities”- Ch. 4-6:

Another connection came to mind while continuing our reading assignment of chapters 4-6 in “The Art of Possibilities”. The message that I took from the readings reminded me of the message from the book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today” by Carol McLeod which encourages us all to “fill someone’s bucket” (an imaginary bucket that we all carry around inside of us/our heart that hopefully remains full and makes us feel good, special, valued, happy) by our own positive actions. In turn, when we fill someone else’s bucket we are too filling our own. When we change our point of view of life from assuming the worst to relishing in the uncommon possibilities that await us daily, we begin to live life to the fullest. This movement causes the ripple effect.

We should value ourselves and the potential in others and what we all have to offer any situation in a positive manner. By doing so, we transform ourselves into being “contributors” in own realities rather than bystanders weighted down under misguided assumptions. Conflicts become rewarding experiences when we begin to take advantage of the limitless possibilities that surround any situation. Search for opportunities to reward not only your talents but others as well. See the potential leadership in everyone as you begin to recognize it in yourself. And in it all, remember to find every opportunity to laugh, to lighten up, to live life to it’s fullest.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Eric Hanson
Great connection Kelly!
It seems the solutions to our perceived problems in life is to change our perspective of the situation. I will look into the bucket fillers for life page. These are certainly lessons we can all apply to our lives.
Sunday, October 10, 2010 - 03:19 PM
Excellent comment. It is a shame that something so logical, so good is so hard for people to do. Look at the positive of everything- yet we don't- we focus on the "not's" then the "do's". I like the title "bucket fillers". Humanity usually when it comes to trials they take out all the positive of situations rather than concentrating on the negative. You hit on the nail when you mentioned to "focus" on the positive. Good job- wish we could all apply this to our lives!
Sunday, October 10, 2010 - 05:29 PM

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