Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free Choice:Testing Blog!

I am testing this blog, because my other ones disappeared. So I am testing, for a two fold purpose. One, to get its URL and Two, to make sure it works! Here it goes! Well, it has been a long year! Since last May, everything was "cooking". I was on a roll- everything in class was great- work was great- family was okay- and then...BAMMMM! I just don't know what happened. Health took a turn for the worst- "stress" at work- did not know if I would have a job due to government cuts- and financial chaos. Family- seem to be crumbling- my pet even died- after 14 years. It seem all that could go wrong went wrong. To top it off, I lost my thesis! That was weird, because I always try to keep backups or backups. Oh, I forgot- my backup drive went "kapuzz".
I read the book "The Art of Possibility" and it seems that it was written with me in mind. Reading it - inspires, and makes one reflect on different possibilities. It is sOOOOOO easy to quit! So, I am back- testing the waters and hoping for a positive outcome.